Speira Yoga

A certain darkness is needed to see the stars.


About Yoga

Yoga in Sanskrit means “Union” and includes physical, mental, and spiritual techniques aiming to unify-balance body, mind and spirit.

Combining body postures, breathing techniques and sound, yoga improves the body posture and alignment, the empowerment and flexibility, and focuses on conscious breathing, leading to concentration, stress-release, self-observation, self-control and deep relaxation. Through this process, body and mind are getting ready to get into a meditative status.

Yoga and meditation are strongly correlated and described as the art of finding the perfect equilibrium between heart and mind, strength and flexibility, tension and release, inhale and exhale, movement and stillness.

The left-feminine and the right-masculine energies, manifesting in all human beings, are adjusted, enabling energy flow and access to awareness, to personal and infinite consciousness.


The vision is to create a place for enjoying yoga and meditation sessions, events and workshops, while at the same time focusing on self-improvement.

A few words about Speira

Speira (spiral) is the curve traced by a point as it revolves around another fixed point while moving away from it. It combines the shape of a circle and its dynamic movement, symbolizing the Time. The endless line symbolizes continuity, the rhythm of breath and life itself whereas the cyclic movement is related to the continuous turns and changes that drive the evolution of life, such as the seasons that inevitably come one after the other. In a metaphysical aspect of view, the tendency to expand to infinite and at the same time final return to the center, symbolizes the wanderings of an embodied soul through manifesting experiences, every time reaching a higher level of consciousness on an evolutionary spiral track.

On human body, the spiral is connected to the navel point as the center of power and life. The whirlwind is nothing but the way that life is created, above all it is a symbol of life force and creation. In yoga, kundalini energy is defined as the latent energy that lies at the area between the navel point and the base of the spine. In Sanskrit, kundalini means circular shape, and the kundalini energy symbol is a spiral, a coiled snake. It is considered to be the force enabling humans to unleash their creativity to the maximum, a potential power to become creators, to access infinite consciousness and spiritual liberation.

Sacred geometry is the study of recurring patterns observed in nature and it is mainly focused on Pythagoras “Golden Ratio” concept and Fibonacci mathematic series. Also called the “Divine Proportion,” since it is observed in many fields in nature, such as shells, waves, wind, galaxies, plants and flowers, human body, etc. and it has been used by used by mathematicians, scientists, artists, architects, spiritual teachers, religious practitioners, as it is believed to achieve the most balanced, proportionate and harmonic results. Apart from spiral, sacred geometry is also found in circles, lines and triangles.

The circle as a curve that has no beginning and no end, closing itself. The straight line as it has the possibility of unlimited extension based on its mathematical definition. The triangles as they emulate variations of the “Golden Ratio”. Sacred geometry is found in yoga poses, as variations of “Golden Ratio” may apply for providing alignment in order to preserve balance and stillness, and in mandalas, which are geometric configuration of symbols, used for focusing attention and providing spiritual guidance tool for meditation.



Kundalini Yoga


OSHO Active Meditations

group meditation 1

Meditation Groups


Vinyasa Yoga



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The Founder

My name is Dimitra Chalafti and I founded Speira Yoga and Meditation Studio aiming to create a space for enjoying yoga and meditation sessions and arranging events and workshops, with the aim of self-improvement.

Yoga and Meditations have really changed my body alignment and strength, my breathing, my ability to concentrate and eventually the way I perceive life. That is why I wish to share the methods that I have been taught and use, focusing on physical, mental and spiritual wellness, despite of the rapid moving everyday life.

Throughout the years I practiced next to valuable Teachers and tried several methods, such as Hatha, Laya, Vinyasa and Kundalini Yoga, as well as Tantric and OSHO Meditations. On 2021 I completed the Kundalini Yoga 220 hours Teachers’ Training, which is Certified by the Kundalini Research Institute.


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